What is a Money Seed?

Every 31 calendar days your seed will sprout a bud equal to this payment which is called your seed germination amount. For example if you germinate a $100 money seed every 31 calendar days your seed will sprout a bud additionally worth $100. Your seed will continue to grow and every 31 days sprout another $100 bud. On the 12th month your seed will bloom into a $1200 return to you. 

What is a watering can?

Increase your bud production by watering your seeds. Same terms and conditions apply as do apply to standard seed germination, fruition, and harvest. For each time you water your seeds, 31 calendar days from the date of watering you'll sprout a single bud equal to payment made at time of purchasing the use of the watering can. Water your seeds up to once per day. Restrictions may apply. 

*Not eligible for use with product fertilizer 

Restrictions may apply

Early harvesting policy, terms, and conditions apply. Seeds are only available for early harvest once per month on the same day every month. If electing to early harvest your seed will no longer sprout buds and your harvest will be processed ready for collection on the 31st calendar day following your date of harvest.

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